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Effects of Modern Medical Sciences due to increased Influx of Technology in the field.

Medicine has became one of the largest sector, both in terms of revenue and  employment. The industry is growing at a tremendous pace owing it's strengthen coverage, services and increasing expenditure by public as well as by the private players.
India is producing 1000s of doctors every year who further devot their efforts to bring healthy lifestyle for people. With it, technology comes in hand to hand. These technologies simplifies the therapies in many ways.
Polio free India
"Polio", a neurological disease whose treatment is still not available for the patients suffering from it. But with the invention of "oral polio vaccines" by "Jonas Stalk" we are now able to prevent it. India has been successful in eradicating this disease. From 3 previous  years, no cases of polio have been reported in India and for that, World Health Organisation (WHO) has awarded India with certificate of "polio free country".
Surgeries which have many sideffects and from which patients may have to suffer from many post operative difficulties. But "endoscopy" has made it easy by reaching at the site of problem and correct it with minimal inscion.
Initially the patients of diabetes milleitus were recommended for daily use of insulin which were isolated from pigs and horses. These isolated insulin responses into immunological reactions which creates new problem than solving the previous one's. But with the help of DNA recombinant technology, we are now able to synthesize artificial insulin which have almost same structural component as that of human insulin and of course have much lesser sideffects.
Different radiography technologies used in clinical medical sciences
PET and MRI scan
A complete orthopedic department is dependent on X-rays tomography technology. X-rays is needed for diagnosis of fractures, sprain and many more, irrespective to how small the defect is. When X-rays fails to provide us the image of a cross section of the patient, we invented CT scan and MRI. Medical technologies have reached at such a height, that we are now able to find that which part of brain becomes more active when performing a certain activity through a machine named as "Positron emissions tomography ( PET )". It was big question mark for the scientists that, "How does an inverted image formed at retina of eyes gets erect in visual cortex?" But PET scan helped scientists in breaking the ice to bring new discoveries in the field of physiology of vision.
Since, a pregnant lady is not allowed for exposure to X-rays because the bone marrow of fetus is highly sensitive to these low wavelength EMI waves. Doctors faced new problem to study development of fetus and their respective anomalies. But technology never let our heads down, with sonography we are able to see images of fetus and it not only helped obstetricians but it has also been an excellent technique for examination of various organs and kidney stones.
Doctors can now easly locate the exact position of thrombosis by "Catheter", obstruction in GIT through "Ba meal", the area of haemorrhage by "Pylogram".
Angiography using catheter
Using catheter during Angiography
Through these technologies, success rates many of surgeries have been increased. For eg. Radioactive Iodine given in preoperative procedures of thyroidectomy to decrease size of gland thus decreasing chances of haemorrhage.
These technologies have a huge impact on the mortality rates. Through a survey taken in the UK, it was seen that one-third deaths caused due to traffic accident were decreased after installation of various machines and equipments.
Think for once, that a patient comes in causality ward with severe damage and excessive bleeding, and immediately needs blood transfusion. Do we have time to check blood hemoglobin concentration through traditional haemocytometer?
In the above example, we can easily conclude that at what position "time" stands in medical sciences. But upgraded machines have helped us in getting accurate readings with less time consumption.
Many such incidents comes in a life of a doctor when he/she has to take some decisions spontaneously which might cost life of the patient. And since doctor is also a human being, he/she might fail in taking the correct decision. But through Automations, we are now able to prevent it.
It is becoming very easy for doctors as well as for the patients with new innovative technological inventions. These technologies are helping us to reach new heights of achievement in medicine; improving our daily lifestyle with additional advantage of low cost and time saving treatment.


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